Jackie Hodge

In 1977 I had my first dog, a German Shepherd and in 1981 our first chocolate Labrador ‘Tekka’ joined her and my husbands yellow rescue Lab.

The affix NAIKEN is taken from NAIROBI, KENYA, where my husband and I were both born. This was granted in 1985.

‘Tekka’ produced Naiken Adisi, a dog I did everything with, a real multipurpose Labrador. I showed her at Open level with some success and when she produced Naiken Dusty Drover (1989) and Naiken Eduardo Esquire (1991) I began showing at Championship level with a lot of success for a newcomer and chocolates.

Through my bitches I like to produce Labradors, which can do other things apart from show, so I work them on shoots in the winter, they also do agility and obedience and we put them through the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Schemes. All our dogs are health checked.

The kennels first English show champion was Naiken Kris and first full champion, having gained her Show Gundog Certificate N. Russian Rhythm. Followed by Quincy, Way Out West, Xclusive Dream and Zephyr. Having also won CC’s and RCC’s with Eduardo Esquire, Fairy Footsteps, Hickory, Buckholt Katie at N, and Lindall Nadia at N., and with Naiken champions being made up in other countries.

I started judging in the U.K. in 1992 and awarded my first CC’s in 2004. I have had the privilege to judge all over Europe, Scandinavia, U.S.A, Canada and Japan.

Thank you for inviting me back for my second visit to the Czech Republic and I am very much looking forward to judging.  

              HLAVNÍ SPONZOR                               OSTATNÍ SPONZOŘI










CHS Bohemiatilia

CHS Golden Erinor